General Hospital Message Board


Drillow is so forced and heavy-handed.

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 26-Dec-2024 6:58:39 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 23rd Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: I'm sorry, Willow, but we do have the right to judge you. posted by The_Cat_Did_It
First she invites him and Scout over to someone else's house for Xmas Eve and then she invites him to STAY longer. Who does that? I can't stand Drew but we all know they love to break up couples and shuffle the pairings. It's like they don't know or care that they have given NOTHING root-worthy about them. Neither of them are even waiting for a proper interval. The way things were left with Michael/Willow was they would talk the next day. It's been about 2 days at least.

Michael has gone to the gym. He has gone to his mom's, but hasn't called or even text his wife? You know--the woman he claims the love and marriage he wants to save? That boy is thick!

I'm getting used to the NuNuNuLucas but his argument today was beyond stupid. You didn't give Wiley up bro. Let me remind you that you returned him because you had no choice. He wasn't your son. You found out he was your great nephew. Don't act like you made this noble sacrifice when there really wasn't another option.

I did laugh when Willow got indignant over being compared to Nelle. Girl, take the compliment because Nelle was smart. You know, the opposite of what you are showcasing since Drew pounded you like a drum.

BLQ looks positively horrid here. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her that she can't conceive after just a few weeks of trying? Poor Chase is going to be so hurt when he learns that she let him go on and on about her first pregnancy and she was fully aware it wasn't true. Chase broke up with her over lying about his job. What does she think he's going to do when he learns she kept something this huge from him? Vapid piece of fluff. That's all she is.

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