General Hospital Message Board


Michael gave Willow an opportunity to tell him about nursery sex ...

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Fri, 27-Dec-2024 8:50:03 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 23rd Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: I'm sorry, Willow, but we do have the right to judge you. posted by The_Cat_Did_It
He told her he appreciated she had told him the truth about the kiss giving her an opportunity to tell him about nursery sex with Drew. And she has the nerve be angry that Michael didn't tell HER he knew about the nursery sex.

He was still wrong, but there is a difference between finding out your wife had sex with our uncle, getting blind drunk and waking up discovering you picked someone up and had sex with them ...

and totally sober having sex with your husband's uncle.

Willow is allowed to be upset that Michael didn't let her know he'd caught her -- but it sint' in the same hemisphere as the act she was caught doing.

Karen L.

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