General Hospital Message Board


Re: Steve Burton didn't sue the network!!!!!

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Mon, 30-Dec-2024 8:00:11 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 23rd Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Ingo Demands Trial Against ABC for GH Firing After Steve Burton’s Return posted by Antwon
First of all, Steve Burton was a primary character, Ingo played a secondary character. Even if Ingo had been vaccinated, given the actors who have been let go lately, Ingo he wouldn't have been on the show much longer.

However, by suing ABC Ingo committed career suicide. There is no way any ABC show will be able to hire Ingo and I doubt any other network would want to touch him either.

Steve Burton didn't believe he should be vaccinated so he left the show on good terms. Because of his fans and reputation he was able to get hired by "Days of our Lives."

Once Covid was no longer a crisis, and how central Jason was to the show, he was brought back. If, like Steve, had Ingo chosen to leave instead of sue, there would have been no reason for GH to bring him back.

Ingo is entitled to believe that his healthy lifestyle would have protected him from getting very ill had he gotten Covid, and that may even be true. However, it isn't just about you getting sick, it is about spreading it to someone who doesn't have a strong immune system ... or goes home to a parent, spouse or child that was high risk if they got Covid.

I hope Ingo has an anti-vaccination organization attorney doing this pro-bono. Otherwise, he is going to be on the hook for attorney costs for a lost cause.

Karen L.

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