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Re: Are they forreal with this Ava is broke crap?! 😡

From: jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Find all posts by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Send private message to jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
Date: Mon, 30-Dec-2024 5:24:06 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 30th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Are they forreal with this Ava is broke crap?! 😡 posted by Antwon
Ava Jerome is a wealthy woman. She had money before she married Nikolas and became more wealthy when she took him to the cleaners. She has Jerome family money as well as the income from her very successful gallery. This plot twist has more holes in it than swiss cheese. What bank would just transfer all of Ava's money? This would all need to go thru the court system and I would *think* there would be a subpoena. Why would Ava losing her divorce settlement affect not only her credit cards but Ric's? Neither of these people are living paycheck to paycheck. I said this before and I'll say it again. You can't just take someone's divorce settlement two years later. Even if Nikolas paid Ava out of the Cassadine fortune--vs his own money, as head of the fortune, he is allowed to do what he wants with the money. I remember in the late 1990s Nikolas told Helena that as the head of the family, she was depended on him for every dime she had and if she didn't stay away from Laura, Lucky and Lulu--he would cut her off financially. This entire thing is absurd and now Ava has to grovel to the woman she was instrumental in her losing her law license and was just acquitted of her daughter's accident? GMAFB! If Ric were any kind of lawyer he would tell Ava that the Cassadine estate cannot simply take back her settlement including selling of Wyndemere which Nikolas owns after Stefan died. Like I said ABSURD!!! Hey Laura, when exactly did we see Spencer struggling over being the head of the Cassadine fortune? All we got was that one scene when he went to see Alexis. I hope Ava sues the Cassadine estate for 10 times her original divorce settlement.

ICAM, taking away her settlement with no warning and saying that she is now broke makes zero sense. She had tons of money when she married Nokolas and had a PH apartment.

So now Kristina accepts the verdict? I'm not buying it at all.

Yeah, that smile on her face at the end tells me she hasn't let this go at all.

Sonny is a man of a certain age, this idea that he felt a pain in his chest and would not go to the doctor is so convoluted. He's never been the sharpest knife in the drawer but come on!!!

Meh, he had one chest pain last night and probably woke up feeling fine. I wouldn't go to the hospital with one random chest pain, even at that age and he has no history of heart problems. Obviously now he'll end up in the hospital. My guess is Cyrus is responsible for giving him small doses of digitalis somehow.

Valentin is a bad father. What kind of life can Charlotte have--constantly moving around? A teenage girl needs her mother. And how exactly did Dante know where Lulu was meeting Charlotte? Maybe that will be revealed tomorrow.

I think he's a decent father but a selfish one. Can't say he doesn't love his daughter though. And I believe it was Laura or Anna last week that said Dante was following Lulu.

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