General Hospital Message Board


How can all that money be taken out of Ava's accounts without notice?

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Thu, 02-Jan-2025 4:47:41 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of December 30th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Are they forreal with this Ava is broke crap?! 😡 posted by Antwon
Even if Wyndomere will remain in Cassadine (Asa's) and Alexis as trustee decides that all Cassadine assets don't belong to Ava (which makes sense) she would have to go to court to make the change and Ava would have to be notified.

This being a soap, I'd be fine with Alexis suing to have a majority of Cassadine family business assets returned to the estate -- especially Wyndomere, family stocks, possessions etc.

Ava is entitled to a divorce settlement, but there is something between all Cassadine assets and nothing. I makes no sense for Ava to have all the Cassadine assets, since Nicholas is still alive and at some point will be out of prison.
Ava's accounts with no notice or opportunity to challenge what is a marital asset and what should remain with the Cassadines is just plain sloppy.

When a show goes too far for dramatic effect, it actually lessens the dramatic effect. Having Ava received legal papers letting her know her divorce settlement does not include all the Cassadine assets would have been dramatic since Ava would be fighting for everything she could get.

However, having her discover ALL her assets have been drained when she tries to pay for dinner takes me out of the story. I can be a good sport with a soap story if they MAKE AN EFFORT to set up the story that shows an effort has been made to make it reasonably believable.

I cannot be a good sport when the show simply says, "now Ava is broke because Alexis took it all to return it ALL back to the Cassadine" is sloppy and gets what could be an interesting fight between Alexis and Ava on such a rocky foundation the story falls flat.

Karen L.

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