General Hospital Message Board


Lois is so full of $hit. Remember how she proclaimed that Sonny was her dear

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Wed, 08-Jan-2025 10:16:44 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
friend and had a right to know that his wife was the SEC whistleblower and not Ned? She was in the midst of telling him but just blabbed that his entire family has been lying to him. She was so against secrets and then today--she told BLQ that her husband doesn't have a right to know that she had a baby as a teen.
So apparently it's just other people's secrets that must be brought to the light.

Also, Portia violated HIPAA by calling her husband and telling him about a patient's medical condition--without permission.

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