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Anyone can be fine with it. For me, it rang hollow. Giving someone a tongue

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Fri, 10-Jan-2025 10:55:52 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: If we stipulate that only non-cheaters can call out cheaters, it would be posted by ladfan
lashing for something you yourself did (fairly recently I might add) boggles my mind. It's not going to have the same punch or satisfaction. That's how I feel.

And here we had Joss seeking forgiveness from Cam almost immediately after she broke his heart. She told Spencer to mind his own business and sought loyalty from Trina. Like who does that? I still remember that she withheld the entire story from Trina. It took her forever to admit that she slept with Dex first and then told Cam they were over. Why? Because her selfish little @ss was trying to save face and didn't want her BFF judging her for being a say it with me CHEATING SKANK! People in skank houses shouldn't throw stones. Folks can choose to ignore that because their hatred for Drillow outweighs it but that's not how I roll 😎

The other major issue for me is when it comes to Jason, Sonny, Carly, Michael and Joss--there is a very obvious slant in writing. They are going to get the last word and most of the words in between. Where is the drama in that where the aforementioned will be the victor in every confrontation? The scene would have played much better for me if Willow went back at Joss for literally being guilty of the same thing vs Joss bringing it up. That's how a soap argument should go with both characters getting in good shots. Not the same people besting every adversary.

But this is not new. GH writers have always played favorite with whom they deem the TITANS of the show--who are treated like they are coated in Teflon.

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