General Hospital Message Board


I hope not. I thought they were going with the burn option, so he could go

From: Jo16 Find all posts by Jo16 Send private message to Jo16
Date: Fri, 10-Jan-2025 12:18:30 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: So are they actually going to kill Michael off? posted by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
away for awhile. Whether CD returns or whether the role is recast, the burn option would work. Would GH have Josslyn losing her brother after losing 2 boyfriends? Would GH kill off another character after Sam's recent death? Would Carly and Sonny lose another child? I sure hope not, and I actually like Michael. He isn't my favorite or anything like that, but I do like the character, and he has plenty of connections, but so did Sam.

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