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Lucy needs to go find her bestest friend Felicia and track down Scotty

From: senorbrightside Find all posts by senorbrightside View senorbrightside's profile Send private message to senorbrightside
Date: Sat, 11-Jan-2025 9:14:26 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: And it's not like Jack doesn't eat 99.9% of his meals at Bobbie's... and don't posted by Sparky
with her.

And then Scotty and Lucy need to have a conversation about ethical non-monogamy because they are soulmates, but neither one will be able to keep it in their pants for more than an hour. And they need to be okay with polygamy.

Like, it tracks that Lucy would be attracted to Sidwell (Victor Jerome, Victor Cassadine, Rex Stanton (RIP Wayne Northup--hope Lynn is doing okay) (I never really watched Port Charles so not sure on the full story, whichever O'Connor was the bad brother), but at the same time...she could learn from her mistakes and have her bestest friend Felicia investigate like she did with Martin (well after initiating the relationship, but at least she did it..

(Yes, I remember 1995 during the Madame Maia storyline when Lucy called Felicia her "bestest friend" and Felicia responded "We're not friends, Lucy. I just tolerate you", and they've been my fave friendship ever since)

Oh, and Madame Maia is ANOTHER example, and that isn't a romantic one! I digress :)

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