General Hospital Message Board


Nah. I'm not. I'm just not all warm and fuzzy about it. There have been

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 16-Jan-2025 11:12:50 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: 🧼Week of January 13th Spoiler HP👀 posted by Antwon
In reply to: I fear you are missing how momentus that was. Sure she guilted him. posted by Paj_Staying4Becky
three Quartermaines that Jason gave a damn about after Jason Morgan was born: Emily, Lila and Monica. Tracy knew exactly what to say to ensure his compliance. I'm not moved by any of it because like her or hate her Willow doesn't deserve to have her kids kept from her illegally. Tracy lovingly touching Jason's face and hugging him when she has hated his guts for nearly 30 years is both momentous and non-sensical. This woman can, will, and has held a grudge like no one else. Monica's happiness doesn't supersede a mother's right to her children.

Nina said it best--they need their mother right now more than ever. We already saw Wiley asking her question before the hypocritical, lying, scam-artist Sasha showed up. The kids are confused and miss their daddy and the person who should be comforting them is their mother. Point. Blank. Period.

Have none of these people heard of a compromise? How about ask Willow to bring the children by once a week for a visit to see their great grandmother? They can spend an entire weekend there. It's just all so messy and dumb.

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