General Hospital Message Board


No. If he did, there would have been no need to bring it up again 1/9 see recap

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 16-Jan-2025 12:48:07 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: 🧼Week of January 13th Spoiler HP👀 posted by Antwon
In reply to: Didn't Martin file the very first order before there was any mention of a posted by Jo16
Martin arrives, gives Willow his condolences, and says they must discuss their next steps. Martin says even if Michael is incapacitated, his legal team will continue with the divorce. Martin advises her to file for temporary full custody of her children, but Willow refuses to take his children away while Michael is fighting for his life. Martin says that’s not what he’s saying. He explains that Michael has not only filed for divorce but sole custody, so if she can get custody now, she’ll be better positioned to negotiate custody with Michael later. Willow refuses to negotiate with lawyers while Michael could be dying.

Willow storms out, and Nina asks Martin what they do now. Martin is prepared and says they have more leverage than Nina thinks. Martin reveals that Michael made Willow his medical proxy and never changed it. When things get ugly, they can use Willow’s position as leverage. Martin says Willow needs to know about this power, but Nina thinks she would never use it unless she had no choice.

Diane and Chase arrived at Nina's with the court order and then Nina rushed to GH to tell Willow and thus, Drewfus conveniently came up with the same idea that Martin had and that is how we arrived at this convoluted place.

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