General Hospital Message Board


ITA - Drew is 100% jerk = not interesting. The show can either go full villain,

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Mon, 20-Jan-2025 10:02:51 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: 🧼Week of January 13th Spoiler HP👀 posted by Antwon
In reply to: Drew is more of a jerk than villain. Although I guess there are variations on posted by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
try to go back to his being a romantic lead (I found Drew in this role boring) or go full throttle villain. If the show is going to keep him (and since he lost his house I'm willing to give the show some time to make Drew worth screen time. The only way I can see that happening is allowing him to be a villain.

Karen L.

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