General Hospital Message Board


ICAM about Tracy She is dead wrong here.

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Wed, 22-Jan-2025 8:06:50 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of January 20th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Thoughts on today's show: I love it when Karens get their comeuppance! posted by Antwon
Let me start of by saying that I adore JE and love me some Tracy Q but she is all the way wrong for this any way you slice it. Her very rationale is faulty. I'm going to keep a mother away from HER two kids because I want to keep their great great grandmother spirits up. That is the dumbest 💩 I've heard in forever. Take your entitled arse down to that disgusting cell, where the roaches have plus PCPD robes! I heard more anvils for Tartin. Oooo weee. They are doing Drew no favors with these scenes.

Like you, I love JE and Tracy, but she is so wrong here. I don't care that Drew is being a jackass, Tracy has no business keeping the kids from Willow, her love for Monica not withstanding.

Please Jebus, let Laura Wright take an extended vacation while Michael is in Germany! 🙏🏾 There is nothing likable about that character. She's nothing but an overbearing, self-important, shrieking, banshee. Willow and Michael are still married and she is allowed to go see him, same as you or his pappy. As Sonny told the banshee, Michael still loves his wife. You could see that by the way he squeezed her hand.

Carly is just so extra. Willow wanted to talk to Michael, and it is her right. Carly has never cheated on any of her husbands or done any wrong RME.

Interesting Ava/Krustina/Alexis scenes. If Ava had COVID, the flu, and was wearing an eyepatch, Krustina would be no match for Ava! Did anyone catch the throw away line that Alexis now believes the fall was an ACCIDENT?! Since when? I was shocked to hear that come flying out of her mouth. I'm glad they didn't pull an Edward/Tracy with Sonny/Ava, but I wouldn't have blamed her if she took his pills and kicked him in the nuts on the way out the door. If Sonny was any kind of father, he would know that next time--Avery could be home. Focking moron!

Sonny's argument that Avery was not at the house falls flat because it was sheer coincidence. I hope Ava Brings him down about ten pegs.

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