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Thoughts on today's show: Secrets, secrets. They're no fun. Secrets, secrets

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 28-Jan-2025 6:17:26 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of January 27th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
hurt someone! Looking at you BLQ and Lois "People have a right to know secrets--unless it's mine" Cerullo. 😡 Oh she is a piece She gave Olivia such a hard time about the fact that Ned didn't tip off the SEC is was Nina and Sonny is a her good friend and had a right to know. Remember that? Then, why doesn't her good friend Sonny and his son Dante have a right to know that Gio is Dante's son and Sonny's grandson? Clearly BLQ doesn't know but she clearly kept the fact that she gave away Dante's baby 21 years ago. I hope Olivia lays into Lois so hard she starts crying ugly tears.

Go Ned! Go Ned! Go Ned! He said EVERYTHING I was thinking. I love me some Tracy but she is off the rails right now. Newsflash, you nor Monica get to dictate Willow's life or her right to raise her children in peace. She had an affair. Big whoop. It's not like Drew is underage or something else awful that should result in Willow being publicly stoned or shunned by everyone. I really hope she does take the kids back to Nina. It was serve both Tracy and Monica right.

And it appears we got the first anvil of Jason saying he's the father of Sasha's baby. I think Tracy is going to keep riding her and harassing her so Super Jase will swoop in.

Anna/Felicia/NotEmma = FF.

Carly/Brennan = FF

I wonder how he'll get out of Valentin strangling him.

Um, why are Isaiah and Alexis having such a pertinent conversation out in the open? They have no idea who is killing people. What if it was someone on staff and they got wind that they're on to them? Very weird scenes. Portia and Alexis were in her office and then Isaiah and Alexis just out in the open.

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