SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Still processing this, so odd questions...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Sat, 01-Jun-2024 8:04:22 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In reply to: June Politics Post ~ 🌤🍦 posted by Andrea
The 34 guilty verdicts regarding election violations in the 2016 election...Does that mean:

1. That his presidency gets an asterisk?

2. That his pardons should/will be reviewed?

The people I know who voted for him in 2016 and who are still clinging to him and planning to vote for him in 2024 after voting for him in 2020. I'd like them to work the following "thought experiment" about their votes.

IF they had heard about the affair with Karen McDougal and the incident with the adult film actor, Stormy Daniel (not bringing in E. Jean [Carrol], although the description of the incident in the dressing room sounds a lot like the Access Hollywood comment acted out) before the election in 2016, MIGHT they have made other voting decisions, be that voted for Secretary CLinton (I can hear the boos), voted for a third party candidate, written the name of a living person eligible to be president, written in the name of a fictional person, or left it blank like thousands of voters in Michigan did. If they consider the question and say they would have done any of the options, voting for Secretary Clinton aside, then I'd say that Donald John Trump got his money's worth...and that's why it's an issue.

[Edited by Justathot on Sat, 01-Jun-2024 8:05:53 PM PDT]
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