SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Re: I am far from an expert, but I found a link that should help.

From: Kris Find all posts by Kris Send private message to Kris
Date: Mon, 03-Jun-2024 2:10:30 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: June Politics Post ~ 🌤🍦 posted by Andrea
In reply to: I am far from an expert, but I found a link that should help. posted by Antwon
1. That his presidency gets an asterisk?

He already has several asterisks. Impeached twice, first POTUS to NOT accept the results of an election. And I think he's the first to lose the popular vote and still get elected.

It's happened five times, most recently Trump but before him Bush for his first term. Also back in the 1800s with John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B Hayes, and Benjamin Harrison.

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