SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Re: I am far from an expert, but I found a link that should help.

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Tue, 04-Jun-2024 11:10:21 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: June Politics Post ~ 🌤🍦 posted by Andrea
In reply to: I am far from an expert, but I found a link that should help. posted by Antwon
2. That his pardons should/will be reviewed?

They won't be. He was POTUS legally and had the power to do pardons.

Since there seems to be a rising issue about his election shenanigans in 2016, it would make sense that some of his actions - pardons (some probably done for personal gain since he did not use the "normal" pardon review process through the DOJ), executive orders (which may have been for personal gain similar to his "request" for a billion dollars from some oil gazillionaires to push through legislation and executive orders to benefit them), and other choices while in office that benefited him and did not necessarily benefit the people of the United States - be reviewed. The executive orders should be reviewed so the current or future presidents can cancel them.

My one friend told me that even if the affair became public, he would have STILL voted for him because he doesn't care about his marriage. He wanted a change to the type of politician in the office. I mean, the grab them by the p*$$ies didn't stop women from voting for him or supporting him. I don't think the affair would matter. Remember, he also cheat on Ivanna Trump with Marla Maples. Par for the course with the orange scum.

I know that a LOT of "conservative Christians" claim to have values and pretend to vote them. Sounds like some of the people you know, too. Here's my issue. Democrats don't say that they're voting for politicians because they have excellent character and share their moral values. The "conservative Christians" said that they do and that's why they could never vote for a Democrat...I mean "Demon rat." Yet, they'll still vote for him...Okay.
To me, that says something about them, and there are a lot of "them."

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