SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Not surprised by the verdict. What we're not seeing are claims of a "rigged"

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Tue, 11-Jun-2024 12:23:58 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: June Politics Post ~ 🌤🍦 posted by Andrea
In reply to: Hunter Biden found Gulity on all three federal Gun Charges posted by pip
trial" or a "rigged system" or a "conflicted judge." Zero threats against witnesses. No Dem. showed up with ridiculous signs and flags. No threats of civil war. No contempt of court fines against Hunter. No threats to defund the DOJ.

The charges against him are rarely brought absent the use of the firearm in a violent crime. However, Dems. understand that even though this was most certainly a case that was, at least in part, politically motivated, the system would have to play out. POTUS did not use his pardon power to free his son. Democrats respect our democracy and our judicial system.

Reps. tripped over one another to be the first to denounce the brave jurors who convicted Trump while Dems. are accepting Hunter's conviction.

Dems. understand Hunter is an adult who can be accountable for his behavior. Juxtaposition this with Reps. who treat Trump like a petulant child who can never be held responsible for his choices.

Biden's trial illustrated why we need stronger gun laws. He should never have been able to get a gun so easily.

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