I walked out of my office, and to get to the metro I walk right by the Capitol Club. Well, before I even walked out of the door, I noticed tons of flashing lights. Security EVERYWHERE, even before I turned the corner where the club is. I was like ??? I knew it couldn't be Johnson, I've seen the Speaker's caravan plenty of times. I didn't know where Biden was (I believe he's with Zelensky) so I was thinking maybe he was meeting with someone in Congress. The crowd was weirdly tense, though. There were a bunch of people standing outside with their phones, but everyone seemed mad, heh. I was thinking maybe it was Palestinian protestors, but I didn't see any flags. So I just decided whoever it was, it was best I depart quickly, and I did, but when I looked it up on social media, I realized it was Trump. Glad I left, LMAO.
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