SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I will be mad about the missed opportunity with HRC forever :(

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Fri, 21-Jun-2024 5:13:45 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: June Politics Post ~ 🌤🍦 posted by Andrea
In reply to: I warned about this. It’ll end up with the corrupt SC, who will reverse posted by Cassie
Imagine if she got to pick justices. Or handle COVID. We'd be unimaginably, infinitely better off.

Also, Trump is **** about the economy. He tries for short-term sugar rushes that will ultimately land us right back in recession/inflation land. Trump is not good at one single thing. He's incredibly destructive. I understand why people are mad at Biden, I really do. But Trump is SO DANGEROUS. And a second term would be so, so, so much worse than the first. This is not Romney. It's not McCain.

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