SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Codifying Trumpism as a governing ideology should terrify everyone.

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Sun, 23-Jun-2024 7:32:54 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: June Politics Post ~ 🌤🍦 posted by Andrea
In reply to: Trump and Heritage Foundation project 2025 is scary!! posted by pip
Kevin Roberts is an overt fascist whose arrogance is appalling – he is the face of hate. If Stephen Miller and Big Pharma ******* Martin Shkreli had a baby, it would be Roberts.

I wasn't thrilled with MSNBC for giving Roberts a platform to spew lies and propaganda, but the interview highlights the insanity for all to see.

The Heritage Foundation needs to have its non-profit status revoked. Explicitly endorsing "Trumpism" and stating the 2020 election was stolen are blatantly partisan statements and a violation of laws governing non-profits.

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