SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I'm not feeling hopefully about Biden being re-elected.

From: Tanya24 Find all posts by Tanya24 Send private message to Tanya24
Date: Thu, 27-Jun-2024 8:10:06 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: 🍦 2024 Presidential Debate - Prep and Show 🍦 posted by Justathot
In reply to: I only saw the last half hour but, that was a disaster for Biden, from what posted by Kitchop
I mean, I had doubts already, but after watching this,? *whew*

I mean, Trump sounded like a spoiled child, but Biden—I don't know, I just don't know. And if not Biden, then who, at this late stage, could step up and have a real shot at winning?

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