SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I don’t know how many people actually watched, but according to …

From: AmberRedux Find all posts by AmberRedux Send private message to AmberRedux
Date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024 5:05:48 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: 🍦 2024 Presidential Debate - Prep and Show 🍦 posted by Justathot
In reply to: Sorry but I refuse to be all doom and gloom. posted by ladyday
… an AP poll, most Americans planned to watch at least some of it.


I honestly don't think anyone was watching the debates like we used to back in the day. No one is undecided. This was just so and performance.

But the performance was the whole point. There are (or were) a lot of undecided people, and the election will probably come down to them. If we’re grading on who brought substance, then obviously Biden won. But most people said they were tuning in to see if the President could perform, and he performed poorly. The big surprise for me was that Trump performed well. He stayed focused and on message. He spewed lie after lie, but he did it in a relaxed and convincing manner. The President told us in a tight, robotic voice, after a very long pause, that we beat Medicare.

Look, I’m not all doom and gloom. I’m just a realist. As Bill Mahr likes to say, if the choice is Trump or Biden’s head in a jar of blue liquid, I’m voting for the head. But how am I supposed to feel anything but awful about that?

Because at this point, I don’t see a viable alternative candidate — and by viable I mean “can beat Donald Trump.” And I don’t know what we’re supposed to do about it at this late date. We’ve got seven weeks until the convention to figure it out.

ETA: I just wanted to correct something I said above. There are not “a lot” of undecided voters compared to the number of those who have already made up their minds. But this election could very well come down to a handful of voters in several swing states, so those undecided voters are crucial.

[Edited by AmberRedux on Fri, 28-Jun-2024 5:33:21 AM PDT]
[Edited by AmberRedux on Fri, 28-Jun-2024 5:34:01 AM PDT]
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