SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


They should have let Joe be Joe. Instead, he crammed before the exam and failed.

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024 10:47:34 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: 🍦 2024 Presidential Debate - Prep and Show 🍦 posted by Justathot
In reply to: POTUS attends watch party after the debate: Night and day difference. posted by Antwon
Everyone assumed the lack of an audience would hurt Trump, but no one considered how it would affect Biden. He did well at the SOTU and watch party because he had the audience and their energy.

I'm still absorbing and digesting what happened last night. This debate made abundantly clear that Biden’s insistence on running for another term - when most voters in a swing state poll believe he won’t be able to finish a second term - has gravely jeopardized Dems’ prospects to defeat Trump. Nothing brought it home more than when Newsom and Harris spoke after the debate with cogent clarity.

I woke angry this morning. Biden's bid to prove something or be immortal is as destructive as RBG.

So many misses from Biden last night – even what should have been slam dunks. Trump barked that Biden hadn’t fired anyone. A younger Biden would’ve had the perfect response: I fired your ass when I beat you in 2020.

Here we are. Dems are panicking because our nominee looked old and not sharp. Not crazy. Just not peppy enough.

Republicans think their nominee is the bee's knees despite being a deranged insurrectionist, adjudicated rapist and fraud.

The most difficult aspect of this is the media siding with the GOP.

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