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I agree. It was more than just a bad debate

From: Anon33Guest Find all posts by Anon33Guest Send private message to Anon33Guest
Date: Mon, 22-Jul-2024 7:13:47 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ πŸŽ†πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ˜€ posted by Andrea
In reply to: I don't think it was just a bad debate. posted by Marriage4All
From what Jon Favreau of Pod Save America said, his demeanor at fundraiser in California a couple of weeks before the debate was worse than the debate. Even in his interviews after the debate he trailed off, mixed up words, etc. I think he might have been up to the job of being president for the next 4 years (although that is debatable) but he wasn't up to the job of running for president

As a D party we need to have these conversations. We should have had it last year about President Biden running for a second term.

We should have had it when RBG was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2008 and it was widely predicted Ds would lose the Senate in 2014. Even if Secretary Clinton had won the electoral college, she would have had to get a justice past a R congress meaning a moderate justice. Given all of the RBG should have resigned any time between 2008 and 2014. President Obama pressured her to in 2013 and she arrogantly refused

We should have had it in 2008 when Senator Kennedy hanging once he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Because we didn't his death cost us a 60 seat majority for 9 months (Scott Brown won the special in 2020)

We should have had it Senator Feinstein was obviously not able to do her job the last couple of years of her time in the Senate.

I will give Speaker Emeritus Pelosi credit. While she is still wielding power in the D party she has ceded it in the House. She mentored a successor and handed the reigns to him. Jeffries speaks for the D house caucus now. She doesn't.

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