SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Re: The last 3 weeks have been a hell of a year.

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Mon, 22-Jul-2024 10:44:06 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ πŸŽ†πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ˜€ posted by Andrea
In reply to: The last 3 weeks have been a hell of a year. posted by LuvMyKidlets
Biden being behind in the polls to an adjudicated racist and convicted felon had been demoralizing to watch. When Biden asked his aides how it was possible that people didn't know his administration's accomplishments, I knew we were in serious trouble.

That question is proof, once again, that Democrats suck at messaging! Let me try that again for the people in the back row: DEMOCRATS SUCK AT MESSAGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could make the font bigger and make it sing and dance. It's like when President Biden joked about a ribbon cutting in the district of Congresswoman Boebert. Republicans take credit for the sun rising and Democrats put their big toe in the dirt and say, "'Tweren't nothin'" after saving a town.

Today, I feel energized, encouraged by the quick coalescing around Kamala, and thrilled by the coalition of Haley voters who pledged their support for KH. She is ideally situated by bringing home the abortion issue.

Thanks to the actions of Red State legislators, people are understanding that it's not about abortion. It's about reproductive issues including medical procedures (surgical and medication abortion, birth control implantation, IVF, and a host of other non-DIY things that people do as individuals or as part of a partnership to ensure their health, safety, and options). When states want to ban discussing options, even if the option isn't done there, all I can say is "Houston (and other locations in Texas), we have a problem." People are not liking the taste of the [car] they've caught.

I'm ready for the prosecutor vs. felon battle.

As am I. Those who claim to be for "law and order" (not the show) need to pay attention.

As far as the VP nominee - realistically it will be a straight white male, preferably a governor. I like Governor Shapiro but he is only 2 years into his term. Given that I think it will be either Governor Beshear of Kentucky or Governor Cooper of NC. Both are terming out soon (Cooper this year). Both of white men. Governors play will to the electorate

Possibly just as good as a governor to show strength and capability is a senior military member. Someone mentioned the former Supreme Allied Commander - Europe, Admiral James Stavridis. [I suggest] a lower level guy who's "good people," LTG Frederick Benjamin ("I go by 'Ben'") Hodges, the former EUCOM commander. I know he's "good people" because he was my boss. People think Dems are weak, so having a former senior officer as the VP may staunch some of the insanity right quick...unless they start whining about a "woke military." It meets or beats LTG Flynn <insert eyeroll> who should have been fired by President Obama for his security issues. (He was a lector at my parish when he was a COL.)

I'm learning toward Beshear. He is taller, more handsome, and more polished than Vance.

My concern with taking Governor Beshear is that Kentucky will, once again, go red and stupid. If I recall correctly, there's been a leapfrogging back and forth of leadership in Kentucky. There's a Democrat who puts them on a good path, then they elect a Republican who drives the state into the ditch. A Democrat is elected who straightens things out, then the good people of Kentucky vote for a Republican who races to the ditch at full speed. His removal could be a race to the ditch again and it may be at the worst possible time.

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