SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I still expect the election to be close. But Kamala did great without a script

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Wed, 11-Sep-2024 8:38:38 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: September Politics Post! ~ šŸ posted by Andrea
In reply to: Me, too! Slept like a baby last night (although, could have been all the šŸ·). posted by LuvMyKidlets
and she looked very presidential and strong..And young, compared to DonOLD.

She got him flustered and babbling nonsense: Democrats execute babies after theyā€™re born; illegal immigrants are eating our cats and dogs; escapees from insane asylums are pouring in and taking Americansā€™ jobs; heā€™d solve complex issues like Israel/Palestine in 24 hours; he doesnā€™t have a healthcare plan better than the ACA but he has the concept of a plan; most Americans wanted Roe v Wade overturned; the whole world loves Trump and they are afraid of him (which in his delusional mind is a good thing); he fired everybody. The list is long of crazy things he said.

I forget which commentator said it because I was flipping around after the debate to see more reactions, but somebody said he is a fisherman and he wishes the fish would take his bait as much as Trump took Kamalaā€™s bait last night.

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