SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Oy, this Nuzza/Lizza thing. Not surprised he was stalking her and

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Wed, 02-Oct-2024 5:06:18 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In reply to: 🥴 October Politics Post 🦨 posted by Antwon
threatening her, because NY Magazine fired him years ago for sexual misconduct. He is a raging POS.

But, while I have much sympathy for how he treated her, the only person who ruined her reputation was her. So, for her to blame him for the information getting out, IMO, shows how little responsibility this paid troll is taking for her own disgusting behavior.

I am with her on everything else.

The little inner clique circle of the MSM is really so entitled. All they know is their little privileged, primarily white niche, and they see everything through that lens. I won't even get into the disgusting coverage by the NYT on the debate last night. They are so out of touch.

Nah, you don't get to have an affair with someone you were profiling (very flatteringly, too, while also mocking President Biden) and then claim victimhood on that front.


[Edited by Cassie on Wed, 02-Oct-2024 5:07:31 PM PDT]
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