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One last Thanksgiving-related aunt is out of state having

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 24-Nov-2023 7:26:56 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: Thanksgiving Thursday🍂🍂Friday🍂🍂Weekend Chat Post posted by Leia
an extended TG get together with her kids and grandkids. Before she left, in addition to some veggies from her fridge that she thought I could use, she brought over the bow and arrows we bought jointly a couple weeks ago, in case I wanted to shoot while she was away. The weather today and for the next few days is going to be mostly cloudy, dreary and cold, with a possibility for precipitation, but yesterday afternoon was sunny and almost warm (just under 50°), so between prepping and cooking, I went shooting. I had the range all to myself although the park, which has cabins and a small hotel (rumored to be haunted) on the property, was full of families celebrating the holiday weekend. I actually really enjoyed shooting by myself and not having to take turns with Auntie <g>. Only two things slightly marred the afternoon: first, it had rained steadily the day before, soaking the ground, and I wasn't wearing waterproof sneakers so my feet got pretty wet and second, one of the arrows lost part of its fletching (what used to be feathers at the opposite end of the point but is now usually thin pieces of plastic) mid-flight. Sadly, my aim isn't particularly good so this didn't affect my accuracy much <g>.

Also, it's a good thing yesterday was just Dad and me...I tried something new(ish) with my hair. A while back, I got some foam rollers in an attempt to make my unruly curls more...ruly? I'd used them a couple times before yesterday, rolling pretty big sections of hair, and got relatively cute results. Yesterday though, I rolled smaller sections of hair and hoo boy, NOT good. You know that iconic image of Princess Leia from the Star Wars movies, the ones where people joke that she looks like she has two cinnamon buns strapped on either side of her head? Well, replace "cinnamon buns" with "poodle butts" and you'll have a good idea of the 'do I was sporting yesterday. It wasn't quite as bad when I slapped a knitted hat over it in preparation for being outdoors on the archery range but indoors, all I could do was toss a headband on and avoid mirrors.

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