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Horrible, just horrible. And ICAM with this part...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 04-Dec-2023 2:24:36 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: Stabbing at Macy’s in Phila leaves 1 security guard dead, another wounded…. posted by Kitchop
This is not a victimless crime, only hurting big corporations. Stores are closing, leaving some neighborhoods without groceries and pharmacies. People who worked in those stores are losing their jobs. And, in this case, two young unarmed security guards were stabbed and one of them lost his life.

Yes! If I hear one more time "it's no big deal--the stores are insured!". Well yes, they are, but only up to a point. And if a business gets hit enough, especially a big chain that's thriving elsewhere, they could pull up stakes and leave, making it that much harder for people in the neighborhood to get their groceries or toiletries or niceties as well as making it harder for people without reliable transportation to get a job close to home.

For all the folks saying "it's fine, the stores are insured"...I don't think they'd much like it if I broke into their home and stole all their possessions, then shrugged it off and said "You have insurance, so what's the big deal?".

There needs to be serious consequences for shoplifting, especially for serial shoplifters and also for the legit businesses who are allowing stolen goods to be sold via their websites. Some of this is organized crime and some of it is “entrepreneurial”.

ICAM with this as well.

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