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My aunt and I went to a local library for a craft thing yesterday

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 06-Dec-2023 12:24:32 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
It was advertised as a "snowman beach glass" craft, and both Auntie and I thought it was going to be making snowmen from beach glass and somehow gluing them to paper. But instead it was wood slice ornaments, and you could make either a snowman or tree. The lady who taught the class was delightful. All the materials were provided by her, including all the beach glass (and there was a LOT), which she'd mostly picked up while walking on the different Lake Erie beaches. Auntie and I talked to her for a bit while waiting for our turn at the supply table; the instructor gave us a tip on a great place to find beach glass and showed us a bottle of glass she'd collected, which included several marbles along with the more traditional shards of glass. She was also very kind in providing instruction for those whose ornaments weren't coming out quite as they'd hoped.

At the end of the classes (there were two--a 4:00 and a 6:00 class, the latter of which we attended), pictures were taken and posted on Facebook. The FB post takes you to an Instagram page with a slideshow...if anyone's interested, that's me holding both my ornament and Auntie's (she didn't want her picture taken), with mine being the one on the right (in my left hand). I'm in the 19th shot (out of 21), wearing my festive aqua colored shirt emblazoned with snowflakes and reindeer. Not my very best photo ever but considering I'd skipped the shower that day and have on zero makeup, I'm not entirely displeased with how I look <g>.


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