Leo took his second dose of sedative with the same grace he gave his first dose, but at least this time, it stayed in his mouth. He was happily dozing on Dad's lap when I rudely plucked him off and dumped him in his carrier. He was curious but silent the entire drive over (usually he meows) and didn't want to come out of his carrier. I was not happy there seemed to be some confusion as to what he was doing there (just a blood draw), but that got cleared up pretty quickly, and I was very pleased when they didn't "kitty burrito" him and treated him much more gently than the last time they tried to draw blood (it was two different vet techs). Leo didn't seem to mind what was being done to him, thanks to the drugs and the kitty treats we kept shoving down his throat. Unfortunately, Leo has "rolling veins"; it took three sticks, in three different legs, to get a sufficient amount of blood. And then, just before I bundled him into his carrier for the ride home, he got a little close to the edge of the table, and the soft blanket protecting the table fell off the table and took Leo with it 😬. Leo seems fine after his fall...I was surprised when he came home and dived right into lunch (which Dad had waiting for him), even though he'd had a TON of treats. He's once again doing the "take a few steps and his back legs give out" thing...I hope that wears off QUICKLY.
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