too poorly, thank goodness, but this might put a crimp in the plan to get together with the family for a Christmas Eve lunch. Of course he won't be attending but honestly? I'm hoping to talk my nephew, who's doing the hosting, into moving the day of the celebration until after Bro is better. It doesn't matter to Dad or me when we see family, just that we get to see them. And the original plan for Christmas Eve is a bit...exhausting. We're having only a single church service on Christmas Eve, from 10:15 AM-11:45 AM--no Sunday School, no evening service. Our choir director wants the choir there early for one last rehearsal, so I need to be at church at 9:00 AM. Then there'd be just enough time to get home to change before having to be at my nephew's house. Plus he wanted us to go with him to his church's evening service; he's the pianist/organist for the church and would love for us to hear him play. I'd love that too but his church is another 30 minutes out from our house, so we'd be getting home at maybe 9:00 PM. I know Dad won't go for it and frankly, that would be a pretty long day for me too.
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