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LOL at playing better when you're gone! My preferred board games

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 01-Jan-2024 7:42:43 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🎊Thursday**Friday**New Year’s Weekend Chat Post 🎈🥂🎉 posted by Leia
In reply to: I BEG someone to play scrabble with me. posted by Sparky
are mostly older games: Yahtzee, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit and Scattergories. I'd play Scrabble with you or really just about anyone who's not my nephew <g>. Yahtzee is beloved among the entire family so occasionally I can persuade folks to play it. We played a lot of Yahtzee when the niblings got to be too big for Candy Land but were still pretty young. It's a great game because a lot of how you do is up to chance--not a ton of strategy involved (though there's SOME strategy). Because everyone in my family is, ah, a bit competitive, we used to tell the young 'uns that we weren't going to dumb any games down for them and we certainly wouldn't throw them just so they could feel good about themselves. Harsh, perhaps, but the niblings felt pretty darn good about themselves the first time they beat an adult at any game geared towards older kids and adults.

Last year (uh, two years ago now since it's officially 2024), we played a fun game called Telestrations at the family vacation on Edisto Island. It's part Pictionary, part the old kids' game Telephone and absolutely hysterical. A few months ago, my aunt introduced me to Rummikub. She's obsessed with it but it's a bit...not complicated but it requires visualizing a lot of moves at once, which isn't really my forte.

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