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A) Aw, boo. B) I was yesterday years old when I learned of the

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 06-Jan-2024 3:53:50 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post posted by Leia
In reply to: A) woke up with a cold blah. B) what is it with this tumbler meshagas?? posted by Cassie
Stanley tumbler craze. So I googled and the general consensus's complicated <g>. Stanley marketed the heck out of their product. Someone apparently posted a TikTok where their car caught on fire (the car owner was fine) but the Stanley tumbler was not only fine but still had ice in it. A few people have commented that it's just a darn fine tumbler; some like the straw, some like the handle, some like that it fits in their car's cup holder. And of course, never underestimate the need for folks on social media, especially the younger folks, to jump on a trend so they feel cool and don't feel left out. Screw what you personally like or what personally works for it hot on TikTok?

Some of y'all may remember I got a Yeti tumbler back in 2022 for my birthday. It wasn't what I *wanted*...earlier in the year, I was working in a department of my workplace that was childish and clique-ish. Every year, somebody decided on a gift that everyone in the department was going to get that year on their birthday, and every month, money was collected to purchase said gift. I was reluctant to participate because frankly, I didn't want a Yeti tumbler (my workplace made water purifiers and softeners; every few months, we got another stupid cup or mug or whatever with the company logo on it), but I didn't see a graceful way out of it. I was a bit thrown...when we (The Swiss Miss and I) were first asked to participate, we were told "$6". We thought that was a flat fee...we didn't know they wanted $3 every time someone had a birthday. By my calculations, I wound up forking out $48 for a cup that sells for around $32 in stores. Oh, but one of the ladies used her Cricut to personalize each cup. So not only did I overpay for a cup I didn't want, I had no choice in either the cup color or the design. I got a stainless steel cup with my name in script, in some kind of blue and pink pattern, with a bunch of butterflies on it. I'd never expressed any real interest in butterflies; other people got cups reflecting their personality, but because these were people on first shift doing the job SM and I did on second shift, they never really got to know me or my interests. And there was one giant butterfly that took me forever to figure out what it was--at first, I thought it was a downed pelican.

BTW, I use my Yeti tumbler, and it *does* keep things either hot or cool for longer than most cups, but if I lost it tomorrow, I would not care. Maybe I'd get a Stanley tumbler to replace it 😆

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