SoapZone Community Message Board


Thank you for that. I appreciate that you don't force someone to go

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sun, 07-Jan-2024 1:59:07 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post posted by Leia
In reply to: We’ve had a wintery mix tonight that has mostly turned into chilly rain but posted by Kitchop
out in weather you wouldn't go out in. I can't stand hearing people say (or write) "man, it's awful out there...think I'll order a pizza (or get Door Dash or whatever). Yes, people need to eat and people who work in restaurants or do food delivery need to work to earn money but it's not worth anyone's life. You've mentioned here before that you might walk to a nearby restaurant in bad weather--sounds like a good compromise. Decades ago, bff lived in Cleveland's Little Italy, and a mutual college friend lived a short walk away, just outside Little Italy. One day, a surprise snowstorm hit, causing streets to become undriveable and forcing a few businesses to shut down. Both bff and our friend had no groceries in the house...our friend walked to bff's house and then the two of them made the short trek down bff's tiny side street to the pizzeria on the corner. The owners lived in an apartment above the restaurant and never closed during bad weather. They were more than happy to make a pizza for bff and our friend and let them stay there to enjoy it.

You must really love that soup!

I really do 😁 And it's rare for Zoup to have it on any given day (I honestly thought they'd have it in regular rotation during the fall but they did not). Luckily, the snow had all but stopped when dinner time rolled around. Had the roads been bad, I would've stayed home and made something, but they were clear.

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