SoapZone Community Message Board


Thanks, hun...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 09-Jan-2024 4:30:09 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: It's the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday chat post!!! posted by Bunky
In reply to: that's too bad, I'm sorry. posted by chloe
no advice to give, except perhaps each of you giving the other a little space tonight.

We did just that. My aunt's been promising me a dinner out as a thank you for picking her up from the airport after a Thanksgiving trip with her kids but schedules weren't working out so we didn't go until tonight. Unfortunately, now that I'm home, I'm getting the silent treatment, even though I made a point of apologizing before I left for being "snippy" *sigh*. Tomorrow's going to be fun...

hubby and i will have similar arguments when the cable/internet goes out, but for us it's largely because he thinks resetting the cable box/modem will fix EVERYTHING and me thinking that every hiccup is a scenario where we will be out of cable for days on end and I won't be able to work.

Hah. With Dad and me, he's always convinced any internet outage is due to excessive usage in the area (because SO many people are online at 1:00 AM, when I'm sometimes still awake and surfing the net and the internet sometimes crashes?) and I'm always worried we need new equipment.

To me, it sounds like your router needed to be reset, which is absolutely something Spectrum or any other cable company can do remotely.

That was the issue a previous time but this time, they're coming out to look at the cable. Which...if they were able to restore our internet at 3:00 or so, and it's still on, is it really the cable? This probably sounds a little wacky of me but I've wondered if the problem is we've been Spectrum customers since they were Time Warner Cable and were "grandfathered in" with a lot of their services. We don't have the top tier cable package, and our internet speed could probably be best described as "adequate" so I sometimes wonder if we're just really low priority for Spectrum and don't get their best. One thing that annoys me: I'm paying more than ever for cable (and was just informed that the bill's going up another $2/month next month) and am getting fewer channels than I used to (it's that grandfathered thing again...long story) and have spotty internet. I've debated shopping around but I'm such a creature of habit and hate change, especially if it means learning new technology.

It also sounds like maybe your dad doesn't want anyone coming into the house to see all of the various...improvements that he's made with all his various splitters and in-out-out-in connections? My dad would get seriously grumpy when we would do things for him that he figured he could do himself. Maybe that's a generational thing.

That would be very likely, on both counts.

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