SoapZone Community Message Board


I’m glad you got on Medicaid!

From: Plumeria Find all posts by Plumeria Send private message to Plumeria
Date: Wed, 10-Jan-2024 7:49:32 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: It's the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday chat post!!! posted by Bunky
In reply to: I did--I was accepted in early December. It wasn't easy though... posted by Wahoo
There were two different sites online where you could check for eligibility. Both rejected me...both said I needed to be poor AND have another qualifying factor such as being over 65 or being blind or having a dependent child or...I forget the rest, but I obviously did not have any of the other qualifying factors.

At the end of November, I emailed a woman who I've used before to get on short term insurance. We had a phone conversation and she informed me that, in simplest terms, there's two kinds of Medicaid: the kind that offers assistance with other areas such as groceries and rent and the kind that's exclusively for medical purposes. She was able to send me a form for the latter, I filled it in, and by mid-December, I had my Medicaid card. So far, all I've "used" it for was my medicine for high blood pressure, which is a monthly prescription. At Walmart, Lisinopril is only $4 without insurance but it's free with Medicaid.

So after the first 2 websites, you got enrolled in Medicaid with the help of the insurance lady? I’m not sure what the first type of Medicaid you are talking about but I’m glad you got on the one that is helping with your medications.

Thanks for replying! I'm still so very, very angry over feeling like I'm either being cheated by not getting a free Cologuard kit or being tricked into thinking it was free no matter what, not free after you meet your deductible. I'm actually going to ignore the bill for at least another month or so and see what happens after the second due date is up. My aunt did something similar with one of her bills and after a year, the medical practice simply wrote it off as a loss.

Now that you’re on Medicaid, you should ask about applying for retro coverage, which is the 3 months prior to when you became approved. I wouldn’t let a medic Al bill hang over you and risk getting into collections and ruining your credit potentially, especially now that you have a way of getting it paid through Medicaid.

Good luck!

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