this morning and my aunt wanted to go walking, so we went to a local mall and joined a throng of senior citizens doing laps around the mall. There were more than usual today (I've gone mall walking with Auntie several times now); not sure if the extra walkers were folks who would've been walking outside if it were a tad warmer, folks who were off for MLK Day or just folks who needed to get out of the house and get moving. This afternoon, I've been doing some serious cleaning; one of the things I tackled was going through papers connected to my previous job and throwing most out. I no longer need to know the company's sick day policies or drug testing policies or their partnership with local businesses to get you discounts on certain things. And later tonight, I have to text my sis and make some tough decisions about an upcoming event. Nephew is graduating from law school in NC in May. Sis wants folks to attend the graduation (no tickets = unlimited guests) and then spend a week at her new favorite vacation spot: Edisto Island. Cost isn't really an object--I still have a considerable amount in my vacation fund, started oh so many years ago when (I believe it was) MontanaKC passed on the trick of socking away $5 bills. I've been sticking mine in a tin that's hidden away and not touching it for anything else; there's still around $1500 in the kitty. No, what's muddying the waters is Dad might want to go to the graduation but he doesn't know if he wants to go to EI. Or rather, he *knows* he doesn't want to go for a week as Sis is planning, and he definitely doesn't want to stay in an AirBNB, let alone an AirBNB with a bunch of other people (at last count, it was 11 family members, from both our side and BIL's side). I told Dad that I know he doesn't like to plan too far ahead of time but we can't wait too long if he decides not to go at at all and I decide I want to fly, or he decides he wants to go to NC and back and I want to go along for 3-4 days (but not a week) to EI.
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