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An update on oldest jaggett...

From: OnAnAlanisJAG Find all posts by OnAnAlanisJAG View OnAnAlanisJAG's profile Send private message to OnAnAlanisJAG
Date: Fri, 19-Jan-2024 7:45:00 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ❄️❄️ Thursday*~Friday*~Weekend Chat Post ☀️ posted by Leia
One of the four men arrested requested a plea deal. He exchanged information and a guilty plea in the hopes of a shorter sentence. He testified before the grand jury and will be sentenced in the Spring. The evidence he provided 100% aligned with the information oldest jaggett provided. It seems he provided audio, video, WhatsApp conversations, and pins shared by the kidnapper/rapist while he was in oldest jaggetts vehicle.

The kidnapper/rapist has requested a new public defender. The million-dollar question...why would he want a need PD? He asked that ALL EVIDENCE AGAINST HIM BE SUPPRESSED! EVERY SINGLE BIT! The attorney told him that it was a month is now wasted waiting for a hearing before a judge. The vile excuse for a man made this request before he was told that one of the four flipped for a plea deal.

Oldest jaggett and family relocated several months ago due to safety concerns. The adjustment has not been easy on either side. I provided childcare for my granddaughter...a plan that was made years before she was conceived. I am robbed of time with her because of four sick *****s who decided gunpoint carjacking, robbery, multistate kidnapping, sexual assault, and rape of an unsuspecting woman who was on her way to work would make a Spring Friday better for them.

Oldest Jaggett continues biweekly trauma therapy and EMDR...but has not been able to return to work as a hands-on occupational therapist due to issues with touch and having people walking or standing behind her. She is working from home full-time...but is not able to use the degree she spent six years working towards, and her pay is 40% of what she made before the attack. I hope to relocate so that we(yup...I'm going to bring mr jag & youngest jaggett along, too!) can live near our daughter and her family again.

Forty weeks have passed and the events of that day and the months that followed are still an open wound. Youngest Jaggett and I are continuing therapy. Mr Jag and his therapist agreed that he was ready to take some time without therapy and see how he felt.

Oldest Jaggetts social worker ( a woman assigned to her the day of the attack that helps her navigate the legal system, etc) is encouraging all of us to write victim impact statements. My daughters statement will be read in court...the judge usually reads the others privately. The statements are taken into account re: sentencing.

The anger is always at the surface...but I hope you all know that an hour does not pass that I am not beyond grateful that my daughter is alive. So many victims never return home. I am heartbroken for their loved ones.

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