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I went out to the movies on Saturday evening. Saw Poor Things, which I loved.

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Mon, 05-Feb-2024 11:23:45 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: The return of Monday(and Tuesday/Wednesday)post! posted by Bunky
We went to a multiplex movie theater a short Uber ride from the Florida house. There were eleven screening rooms. There were six movie goers in our screening room, including me and my sis. One of the other people there loved the movie so much that she was seeing it for the second time. This movie is a big global hit and is nominated for an Oscar Best Picture so I was a little surprised that so few people were there. Maybe it was because it was the 7pm show and more people went to the 9:30 show. Maybe everybody who was interested in seeing that movie saw it the weekend before when it opened here.

It was Saturday night (presumably the busiest time for a movie theater?) and very few people were working there. You could only buy tickets and refreshments at the concession stand via kiosks. It was a full concession stand with the usual movie treats like fresh popcorn and candy. They even had beer and wine. But you had to order via a kiosk and pick it up from the pick up area. There were one or two people behind the counter filling the orders. They eliminated a lot of jobs with those kiosks.

Back at the house, we are almost done going through the photo albums. We’re still shredding! She kept every cancelled check from decades of writing checks for seemingly almost everything. We gave all of my mom’s clothes away. She was a real clothes horse and had a lot of nice clothes. She kept buying new outfits right up to the end. Seriously. When she was 98 and had three closets, including one large walk-in, stuffed with clothes, she still wanted new clothes. We’ve saved all the mementos we want from her opera career. We’ve been pacing ourselves going through stuff but we are at a point where we could leave everything not packed up left behind. We still have ten days here until our closing date.

We’re both ready to go home but are glad we missed the worst part of winter in NY. This was a good time of year to do this.

I highly recommend Poor Things. Emma Stone was great in it.

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