We haven't seen each other in years, but it was like no time had passed at all. Kassie was gracious and funny as usual. Met Judi Evans from DOOL and Vincent Izarry also. He was very nice and she's a hoot and a half! But we mostly hung out with each other, catching up, drinking, eating, playing a fun dice game, drinking, lol. We were at a hotel in the suburbs for most of the weekend. We went into downtown Nashville on Sunday. Wow, has it changed! Seems totally corporate now. No more hole in the wall BBQ joints or dive bars. Seems like every country star has their own bar/restaurant. Very crowded. We did find a nice spot up on the roof/5th floor of Blake Shelton's place Ole Red. Good views, couches, a couple of bars, not too crowded. But overall, I don't know that I'd be in a rush to return to Nashville.
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