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Thank you! Even my dad--too old to be a Boomer (he's at the

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 23-May-2024 3:52:17 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🌷 Thursday*~*Friday*~^Weekend Chat Post ☀️ posted by Leia
In reply to: Good for you! I have a Chase Southwest Card, which I barely use, posted by Cassie
tail end of the "silent generation")--has a Discover card. Though TBH, he only got it because the folks at Chase ticked him off...he forgot to factor in a holiday when paying his bill one month and his payment was, subsequently, "late". The website promises to waive the late fee the first time you don't pay on time...this was his first time...they didn't waive the fee...he didn't argue but instead got a Discover card and now uses his Chase card maybe once a year, putting a small purchase (like, $5) on it, just to keep it active. I keep telling him I don't think Chase cares but eh, it makes him happy to "stick it to the man".

I completely empathize with folks who hate to talk on the phone. I didn't even like to talk on the phone to my friends when we were in junior high and high school--I was very much NOT the stereotype there <g>--and I don't like to do so now. But I *do* get a wee bit annoyed when a phone call is required and folks don't do it. Yeah, it stinks but you do what you got to do.

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