SoapZone Community Message Board


I’m back too!

From: Plumeria Find all posts by Plumeria Send private message to Plumeria
Date: Fri, 24-May-2024 12:16:39 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🌷 Thursday*~*Friday*~^Weekend Chat Post ☀️ posted by Leia
I haven’t been able to log in using Chrome or Edge but decided to try again on Safari per someone else’s suggestion and had to register a new account due to it being so long since I last logged in.

I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s posts and have wanted to respond.

My news to share is my husband and I got a dog! Technically she’s still a foster but we’re probably going to keep her. She’s been with us since November. We just can’t bear to part with her. She’s a boxer/pit bull mix and she’s adorable. We’re both gone all day for work but she’s so good alone in the house. No destruction of property and she hasn’t peed in the house in months. I’ve become one of those people who posts pictures of their dog on Instagram all the time.

So glad to be back. I’m not sure how often I can post since I can’t do it during work but I’ll try.

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