SoapZone Community Message Board


I feel his pain

From: MontanaKC Find all posts by MontanaKC View MontanaKC's profile Send private message to MontanaKC
Date: Thu, 06-Jun-2024 6:53:31 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Potpourri Post ☁️ posted by Leia
In reply to: What is the DUMBEST thing your spouse(or someone you know)has done? posted by Bunky
I've done that with my Keurig not once, but twice!

You know it's a Monday when you fire up the Keurig with no cup underneath it. Luckily, I heard it was different that it usually sounds, so I was able to cancel it right away. Still got some chai tea spilled, but not as bad as if I'd left the room.


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