SoapZone Community Message Board


Speaking of foreheads and dumb things...

From: Kris Find all posts by Kris Send private message to Kris
Date: Fri, 07-Jun-2024 11:31:20 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Potpourri Post ☁️ posted by Leia
In reply to: Umm....well... posted by Andrea
So, I play this online game called Among Us. It's basically you play in a group and some of the people are impostors and the goal if you're a crewmate is to finish tasks and sus out who the impostors are before they kill everyone.

Well, I was having an amazing game. I had thrown off suspicion and had killed and at the last minute I made a kill that won me the game. I was so excited I literally pumped my fist in a circle, like I was at a sporting event.

And I punched myself right in the forehead.

Luckily no visible bruises but it was sore for a week or so LOL.

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