SoapZone Community Message Board


Oh my gosh...

From: ChiHardFan Find all posts by ChiHardFan View ChiHardFan's profile Send private message to ChiHardFan
Date: Wed, 19-Jun-2024 5:23:10 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Potpourri Post😎 posted by Wahoo
In reply to: Voles are my best guess considering how close to the house posted by Wahoo
first time my hubby told me he was going to pee in the garden to keep critters away I thought he'd lost his mind LOL Glad to know he's not the only one doing it!
I'm not much help in the garden that's his thing so I'm usually the one doing the shucking the corn and stringing the beans and peas...first year for peas and they were so good...they were sugar snap peas so you could eat them right off the vine which he did!

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