SoapZone Community Message Board


Well I'm having a 4 day weekend since it's my birthday and the last thing I want

From: CanaryFan98 Find all posts by CanaryFan98 Send private message to CanaryFan98
Date: Thu, 27-Jun-2024 9:41:00 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ☀️ Thursday*—Friday-*Weekend Chat Post ☁️ posted by Leia
to do is work.

I had this awesome Apple Waffle this morning for breakfast at The Original Pancake House

I will go see the Bad Boys movie at the movie theater later today(I normally don't go but I figured why not?)

Probably get some shopping done since I have these birthday related discounts I need to use up.

Then I'm taking another 4 day weekend next week also lol.

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