SoapZone Community Message Board


Thanks sweetie! He’ll need surgery. He broke his Tibia and the other shin

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Tue, 02-Jul-2024 7:45:41 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: Oh no! He really has had a horrible year. Praying he's on the road posted by Wahoo
Bone clean through.

They can’t operate until Friday (due to a blood thinner he takes) so he’s here until at least Saturday.

I may leave our room on Thursday -when we were scheduled to depart - and return Friday so I can take him home Saturday.

We’ll see what Kaiser and Mammoth Hospital say tomorrow.

There are laundromats in Mammoth Lakes but I’ll be out of some meds. We’ll see.

OY! All we could do was laugh.

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