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Hubby is out golfing with his youngest sister and a brother. I'm at home

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn View Capricorn's profile Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Sun, 07-Jul-2024 12:58:12 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🌄 Friday/Weekend Chit-Chat Post 😎 posted by Antwon
trying to coordinate via Facebook food for the actual family reunion in Tennesse on Saturday the 20th.

About 20 of us (my best estimate) are staying at the "big cabin". The one uncle and his wife are at a nearby RV park. Dad, sister, her hubby, older bro & his wife are staying in another cabin in the area.

We get to the cabin on Friday and will then organize a shopping trip for supplies. Many of us are traveling 8-9 hours on Friday and a couple of the uncles will be on the road for a few days; so bringing much food/other supplies isn't really an option.

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